Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Wisdom of the Ages

In a conversation about philosophy, love and the need for passion in our world, a friend said to me, "a vital soul vitalizes". How true is this that people of passion infuse passion into the lives of others! Our world thirsts for people who have truly come alive with the passions of their hearts and soul.

Monday, December 28, 2009


"No excuses, no explanations." What an inspiration is Julia Child for this life desiring to be lived boldly. Is this the theme of my inquiries? Yes, I believe that it is!


Hello world, welcome to life.

I realized last night how much I had been hiding away from the world. Things are going to change, I am living once again Italian style– bold, vivacious, and vulnerable. It's all I have been afraid of, and in this New Year, I plan to face my fears.

This life.

There is a lot that can be said about returning, for a time, to a place from your past. Home is not a place that I left behind, as it is very much in the forefront of my life. Actually being home again has me reflecting on the life I lived while I was here. I realize that I was afraid–truly terrified, in all actuality. I lived so scared of what people were thinking, what they were saying and all that they weren't. I stayed within the boundaries that I thought were safe, making sure to not step outside of my obligations and responsibilities. I followed ever closely the road that I was certain would lead to my eventual success. I have come to fully realize that it was all perceived. All of it. The life I had lived was one that was restricted by the box that I put myself into. No one else created it. No one else put me within a life full of restriction and limitation, bound by the perceived judgment of others, and more fiercely, by judgments of my own self. What is this life! Is it not one intended by our Savior to be fully enjoyed? What have I been doing? Twenty-one years I have been alive, but do not feel as though I have truly lived. Wait. There was a time when I felt alive. The summer I spent in Italy, I feel as though I came to life. Freedom from time, uninhibited passion, vivacity for life and for love. Italy was everything that I was not. It fully embraced that which I was afraid of. It was bold, vivacious, vulnerable. I longed to feel and express these emotions and did for the moment in time that I was there. I tried to bring this discovered freedom from myself with me home, but my strong efforts soon waned and my zest for life began to fade. How easy it is to fall into the notion of success and contentment being defined by all that we accomplish. It is all perceived. All of it. I was so consumed with this idea of being successful and appearing to others as a responsible individual, one who will amount to something because I 'have it all together', that my striving for this image of success only has resulted in a restrictive mentality, and the chosen inability to enjoy life. My exploration into the definition of reality this past quarter sparked these self-realizations, and it is also what prompted me to have the courage to be vulnerable, sharing my heart, my inquiries, my insights, and thoughts. I was sent strength in the form of a verse from Galatians. "If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself. Each one should test his own actions. Then he can take pride in himself, without comparing himself to somebody else, for each one should carry his own load." We are not supposed to compare ourselves to one another, we are our own selves, made by God, loved by Him–each with our own individual purpose and story within this world. Our success can not be measured based upon the lives of others–we are different, and it would be an inaccurate test to compare ourselves against another. We are who God has made us. Love your neighbor as yourself– we need to accept who we are to begin to understand how to truly love.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

A quote that I heard while watching Miracle on 34th Street with my family, paired with a photo I took in Rome.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Who Am I

This is my beautiful sister Alli and me–I am the blonde one!

All That Is

Here are my explorations that together become a true expression of self. On the quest to answer my own self inquiries, I hope to create a spark that encourages others to pursue discovery.