Sunday, January 31, 2010
To be
Gaining clarity
Monday, January 25, 2010
Where from here
I have identified things I need to know.
My brain feels as though it was spinning and unable to contain everything that was on my mind. I took time away and have let my exuberance for this topic simmer.
The next step for me now is to define the terms I set out to understand. Without these definitions, it is going to be near impossible for me to move in a clear direction...
With diagrammatic frameworks for our Wednesday presentations, it is time again to think!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Society + culture
Monday, January 18, 2010
Rome and fashion, one dream of many
I want to encourage people to paint outside the lines.
Fashion is not paint by numbers; it is free-form finger paint! We are individuals; we are each intricate and unique pieces of art. Like haute couture clothing, not one of us is a duplicate of the other!
Prior to designing a line of clothing, I would like to explore the world of fashion as defined by Italians– as they set the world standard for the social identification of beauty. Through my coursework in, Italian fashion, nation and culture, I am learning about the development of fashion throughout history and how it has influenced the culture of Italy, and how Rome, being a major world power, has developed our social definition of beauty.
I plan to someday photograph Italian style as I observe it and identify the ways in which fashion and the ideals of beauty have changed over time. I hope to be able to reference works of art that portray and document the cultural trends and fashion throughout the centuries.
Rome is where it started; Rome is where I would like to be.
I want to embark on a research exploration of beauty. I will wear the hat of an ethnographer and step into the shoes of an art historian, becoming both an observer of culture and a researcher of history...
Questions leading to answers
Clothes and paint
Style as a state of mind
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Satorialist inspiration
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Pecha kucha
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Studies of a self-proclaimed anthropologist
Questioning beauty
Monday, January 11, 2010
L'aaventura comincia
Serendipidous purpose
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Questions? Direction.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Tutu's bring freedom
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Capstone providence
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Heart thoughts
To live is to love, and to love you need to allow your heart to live. I realize I was in danger of losing myself... I almost forgot how to play! It is necessary to be responsible, but within responsibility the soul needs to have fun. People, all people everywhere need to play–so here is to having fun and the sincere childlike enjoyment of life...
In light of Christmas & the New Year
This was a surprising find in The Seattle Times this morning as I ate breakfast, now back in Seattle–my other hometown. I don't usually read the paper, but I thought it would be good for me this morning as I am trying to gain a deeper awareness of the world–part of my New Year's goal and list of resolutions. Shocked to find something spiritual and uplifting in the paper of a city that proudly claims the reputation of being liberal. This just proves that we should never be ashamed for what we believe in effect resisting to judge others and accept that people and therefore this life will always surprise us.