This is what needed to happen within myself, and is, surprisingly, exactly what I would like to research for my capstone project.
I am interested in exploring how design, through visual communication, can develop, influence and change perspectives.
I want to understand how the societal definition of beauty was developed. I believe it was influenced by the messages communicated from the fashion industry to the public, and I want to show the power that visual communication has on the development of our society.
I thought it was Italy, but I think it is France.
Louis XIV was the epitome of fashionista— he captured the true essence of the word. During the 18th century, his social standing and resulting prominent power single-handedly influenced a nation into a fashion obsession.
This widespread national influence demonstrates that if the right people communicate a message, it can influence a society. There is power in message, and as discussed today in class, there is power in story.
In order to create change We just need to get the "right people" to communicate the "right message" in the context of the right story to our society about true beauty.
My challenge: discovering the right people to communicate the right message.
The societal definition of beauty varies among cultures and seems not always to be driven by "the fashion industry," as we know it. Different cultures have different aesthetic sensibilities. Why is this the case? If driven by the fashion industry, then what are the characteristics of fashion industry in Borneo, Nepal, or Bolivia? Who popularized the wearing of bowler hats by Bolivian women? When and how did this "fashion trend" become established?