Saturday, February 20, 2010


On Wednesday afternoon, I bought jeans that are not baggy.

I bought jeans that fit.

[...and I like them!]


Here's what happened.

I went to Buffalo Exchange, and just thought I would search their jean section. Unexpectedly, I happened upon two pairs that actually fit.

I have bought into the societal norm of women's fashion, and am now an individual who wears jeans that are form-fitting.

Was my proclamation of wearing baggy jeans one that was out of frustration for my inability to actually find jeans that fit? Was I wanting to "stick it to the man" of fashion?

This is a mini-case study about the psychology of fashion + individuals in the context of societal trends and it has me analyzing the structure of the French Court from the position of the courtiers, and how they longed to fit-in with the acceptable fashions. Would I have strived to fit-in, or been one who was in revolt?

These are the things I am pondering...

It is good to finally be honest with you all though.


  1. Love, I think you've just found a dialectic! What an observant entry. I think where you're at is the fuzzy space between the center of our culture and the boundaries of our culture; the center and the margin. The center wears tight fitting jeans and the margin? Baggy. It makes it more confusing because we are all naturally drawn to similarity. We search out mates and dates that look and act like us. The human condition likes company. When you are forced to wear baggy jeans, you like it because that's the only way to feel at peace with it. But you comfortably revert to the majority, because it's less effort. It's the path of least resistance. It's easy to be the same. It's tough to be different. I look forward to more of your pondering!

  2. I think that this is something that everyone has experienced and that perfectly applies to psychology and fashion as an anology to many other aspects of the fashion world.

    Continue with this tangent. I think it may go somewhere.
